
Stage 4 Cancer

Stage 4, Stage IV metastatic cancer

“Metastases cancer” or stage 4 cancer, is the medical term for describing a condition where a tumor originating in a certain organ, “primary tumor”, is identified in another organ or in a distant location from the original organ, e.g., metastases of breast cancer can be found in the lungs, brain, bones and liver.

It is important to note, metastases are the same type of the original primary tumor, even if its location is in distant organs and so are the treatments regarded as such, for example, a treatment for a metastatic lung cancer that has spread to the liver, is determined by the treatment for metastatic lung cancer and not by the treatment for liver cancer.

Metastases formation

Cancer cells of the primary tumor can be released into the bloodstream and lymphatic system and circulate to distant organs or adjacent organs and tissues to the primary tumor and “settle” in them and grow.

There are different types of cancer which is known where metastases can be formed, for example,

  • Breast cancer can spread to the bones, brain, liver and lungs
  • Lung cancer can spread to the brain, bones, liver and kidney
  • Prostate cancer can spread to the bones
  • Colon cancer, rectal cancer, colorectal cancer can spread to the liver and lungs
Breast cancer can spread to the bones, brain, liver and lungs
Breast cancer can spread to the bones, brain, liver and lungs

Stage IV metastatic cancer and recovery

In the vast majority of the metastatic cases, the treatments do not cure. Treatment goals are slowing tumor growth rate, prolonging life and reducing the symptoms of the disease, improving the quality of life of the patient.

The efficacy of the treatments is affected by many factors, among them are the type of cancer, number of metastases (also called “lesions”) and their location, how much cancer the patient has in his or her body, growth rate of the tumor lesions, medical history of the patient, background diseases, microenvironment between the tumor cells themselves, resistance the tumor has developed to previous treatments and other.

Advanced treatments and clinical trials for stage 4

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) highlights the fact that for a certain group of metastatic cancer patients, the best treatment option is to join one of the many clinical trials existing worldwide aiming to increase their chances of therapeutic success.

This is also recommended by the USA national comprehensive cancer network, NCCN,  (USA national comprehensive cancer network)

“Patients with cancer should be encouraged to participate in clinical trials during all aspects of their diagnosis and treatment”

Currently, every patient will be offered the standard protocols described above. Sometimes the oncologist may suggest integrating these therapies with trials carried out in the Institute.

Advances in cancer therapies may be found in clinical trials prescribing cutting edge, interesting drugs, some of which have already been recognized by the FDA (US Food & Drug Administration) as “breakthrough treatments” and require further information input before being finally and fully approved.

An entire world of clinical trials and compassionate drugs and treatments are open and available worldwide. It is important to know which cutting edge treatments exist which patients can gain far more from them than the standard care offered.

For most patients with stage 4 metastatic cancer, current treatments are insufficiently effective. This gives rise to the need for innovative strategies with greater efficacy in fighting the disease.

Read our publications on innovative treatments for stage 4 metastatic cancer:

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Improve therapeutic outcomes, prolong life and quality of life, is our main business.
We support access to and expand cancer treatments beyond the standard of care, with the most advanced and innovative treatment options in the world, personally matching the individual cancer patient’s medical condition and with the support of top tier oncologists.

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A combination with a new biological drug, Navicixizumab, Shows Benefit in Ovarian Cancer

New Trial – Ovarian Cancer

Data from the phase Ib study were made available as part of the virtual platform for the SGO 2020 Annual Meeting that has been implemented due to the shutdown caused by the novel coronavirus and took place March 28-31, 2020.

About the Study

The phase Ib study included 44 patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer. Patients had received at least 3 prior therapies and/or Avastin. The median number of prior therapies was 4. Across the population, 68% had received Avastin, 41% had received a PARP inhibitor, and all (100%) had received prior Taxol.


According to findings from a phase Ib study, the anti-DLL4/VEGF bispecific antibody Navicixizumab showed promising clinical activity when used in combination with Taxol in heavily pretreated patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer.

  • The interim efficacy data showed that the 43% patients responded to the treatment and their tumors had shrunk. 1 patient had a complete remission.
  • 34% patients had stable disease, their disease stop from growing.
  • The median time to progression from the start of Navicixizumab was 7.3 months and the median duration of response was 5.7 months.

Side Effects

The safety profile appears to be manageable with hypertension being the most common adverse event related to Navicixizumab

The most common side effects across all grades were hypertension (68%), fatigue (48%), headache (27%), neutropenia (21%), pulmonary hypertension (18%) and diarrhea (16%).

Special Notes – If you are Ovarian Cancer Patient

  • The best treatment for a cancer patient is to get the most advanced cancer drugs in advanced stages of development. There, the hope and the chance to extend life go far beyond the standard protocols.

  • Phase I studies also pose a tremendous opportunity to cancer patients.

  • In October 2019, Navicixizumab received an FDA Fast Track designation for the treatment of certain ovarian patients who have received at least 3 prior therapies and/or prior Avastin.

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For further reading

About Ovarian Cancer>>

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Improving therapeutic success, extending life and quality of life are our main business. We extend to metastatic cancer patients and patients with brain tumors, the most advanced treatment options in the world and the best experts in Israel and abroad.

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