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Compassionate Drugs
Compassionate Treatment Use
Treatment with a compassionate drug, also known as “Compassionate Use Drug” is the use of an innovative, currently unapproved drug, with the goal to treat patients with serious illnesses when there is no other therapy available for them
What are Compassionate Treatments and to whom do they suit?
Compassionate treatment or compassionate use drug is a medical treatment administered to a patient who suffers a life-threatening disease or a disease-causing severe disability.
A patient who cannot be properly be treated with a registered and approved treatments or be in the scope of a clinical trials.
Contrary to the common belief, compassionate treatment or drug are designated for cancer patients at any staging of the disease, when all other treatment and therapies have been exhausted and they are in terminal condition.
The use of innovative and breakthrough compassionate drugs may extend life and improve life quality of cancer patients.
These are some of the most advanced treatments existing in the world and it is important to know about them in the same way we know about any other treatment.
Who develops these treatments?
Compassionate treatments is usually developed by a pharmaceutical or medical device companies.
Compassionate use is usually a drug developed by a company which agrees to provide it to the patient outside of the study scope, and prior to its final approval by the health authorities worldwide.
As long as the treatment or the drug are unapproved by the health authorities worldwide, they may be distributed free of charge.
There is no obligating a pharmaceutical company to agree to any application for compassionate use, however, when they do agree, the patient might gain from the compassion demonstrated by the company towards him or her.
What are the goals of Compassionate drugs?
The goal in providing compassionate use for all the parties involved with cancer: the patient, the doctor and the pharmaceutical company.
The goal is to improve the patient’s medical condition and help the patient in his or her fight against cancer.
In TRIAL-IN Pharma we map the compassionate use treatments found around the world and locate these suitable to a specific cancer patient according to his or her current medical condition and history.
We equip the patient with personalized medical information, in a clear and concise format, with which the patient may continue to consult his or her attending physician in order to make a treatment decision together.
TRIAL-IN Pharma has a unique expertise that combines the identification and analysis of compassionate treatments at various stages of development and facilitates the accessibility to treatments and clinical trials from around the world.
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We need to talk

Improve therapeutic outcomes, prolong life and quality of life, are our main business.
We support access to and expand cancer treatments beyond the standard of care, with the most advanced and innovative treatment options in the world, personally matching the individual cancer patient’s medical condition and with the support of top tier oncologists.
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