
Access to Treatment Consultation and Support

Identify and Support in Obtaining Cutting-Edge Global Cancer Treatment Solutions from Around the World. And, Construct and Oversee Execution of a Personalized Treatment Plan through Ongoing Professional Support.

Program: VIP Service.

[The differences between Program A – Basic Service, and the VIP Plan are highlighted in orange text]

Who Are We?

Trial-In Pharma is a leading company providing a unique and comprehensive service for identifying and obtaining innovative and groundbreaking oncology treatments from around the world for metastatic cancer patients and their families.

Our professional team, including senior oncologists and clinical research experts, offers continuous support throughout the journey to obtain the necessary treatment.

What Does the Service Include?

1. Advanced Treatment Search:

  • Our senior oncologists adhere to our unique methodology, conducting a thorough and in-depth review of over 10 leading medical databases and current professional literature, utilizing advanced AI technology.
  • This process includes meticulous analysis of clinical studies, scientific publications, and relevant case studies. The review takes between two to three weeks and includes a rigorous quality control process to ensure information accuracy.
  • All findings are customized to each patient’s specific clinical condition, considering their medical history and disease characteristics.

2. Comprehensive Report Includes:

  • Information on breakthrough drugs available locally and globally, allowing for treatment at the local medical center.
  • Worldwide studies with innovative drugs that the patient is eligible for and meets their criteria.
  • Compassionate use drugs worldwide suitable for the patient.
  • Case reports where specific treatments have led to impressive therapeutic success for patients with similar backgrounds.
  • Professional literature and publications supporting any of the detailed treatments.
  • Information on additional innovative treatments, such as advanced radiation methods, deemed likely to increase treatment success rates.
  • Breakthrough drugs obtainable in the country, allowing for local treatment without the need to travel abroad for study participation.
  • Links to detailed information about each treatment and where it can be obtained.
  • Leading cancer centers worldwide and renowned experts in the field.

3. Lifetime Professional Support:

  • A detailed Zoom meeting with our team, including the patient and their family, to explain the findings clearly and comprehensibly.
  • Support in choosing the most appropriate treatment, in close cooperation with the treating oncologist.
  • Contact and connection to principal investigators and research teams at leading cancer centers in Israel and abroad, relevant pharmaceutical companies, and advanced treatment institutes for surgeries, radiation, and innovative methods. We also connect with global oncology experts we collaborate with.
  • Professional Support: Ongoing professional support and assistance from the company’s team. And follow-up meetings with the team as needed
  • Diligent efforts to shorten waiting times between treatment matching and actual receipt.
  • Connection to approved agents in the medical tourism field, if necessary.

4. Construct and Oversee a Treatment Plan:

  • Advise on the most relevant oncologist: This step of the process is very important to make the most of this VIP Service. We need to have a consultation meeting with the most suitable oncologist to your case with the specific goal to build a well-defined Treatment Plan for you, now that we have all the list of treatments in our Findings Report. Please note, the consultation is separately paid and not part of the service.
  • Prepare the consultancy oncologist: Prior to the meeting itself, Nir Erez contact and meets the oncologist in order to present your case, the different treatments in the Findings Report and go over your medical history. Making sure the oncologist will be prepared to the meeting.
  • Oversee the execution of the Treatment Plan: We will have an going contact with the treating oncologist and medical staff to make sure the treatments and tests are done according to the plan and provide them with assistance along the way.

What is the Treatment Selection Process?

The report we provide serves as a decision-support tool for the treating oncologist. The treatment selection process is as follows:

  • Clinical Discussion – During the patient’s next visit to the oncologist at the medical center, an in-depth discussion is held about all the treatment options presented in the report.
  • Medical Consideration – The treating oncologist, being the most familiar with the patient and the course of their disease, uses the comprehensive information in the report to form the best treatment recommendation.
  • In Depth Information –  The report provides the oncologist with extensive information on treatment options beyond standard protocols, allowing for consideration of innovative approaches tailored to the patient’s specific condition.
  • Report Role – It is important to emphasize that the report itself is not a treatment recommendation but a comprehensive and personalized source of potential treatment information to be considered by the treating oncologist alongside standard treatments.
  • Mutual Decision – The final decision on the treatment path is made in cooperation between the treating oncologist and the patient, considering all medical and personal factors.

How to Obtain Innovative Treatment?

Professional Networking Worldwide According to Personal Case:

  • Contact leading pharmaceutical companies worldwide specializing in oncological developments and innovations.
  • Establish connections with research teams at leading medical centers.
  • Communicate with principal investigators at centers of excellence in cancer research worldwide.

Patient Profile Presentation:

  • Prepare a comprehensive summary of the patient’s medical history.
  • Present relevant information to professional entities while maintaining patient privacy.
  • Match the patient’s profile to the criteria of potential treatments and clinical trials.

Logistical and Regulatory Management:

  • Handle bureaucratic aspects with relevant health ministries.
  • Obtain necessary approvals for importing innovative drugs or treatments.
  • Coordinate the transportation of treatments to Israel or the patient’s country of residence.
  • Assist with regulatory processes involved in bringing innovative treatments.

All of this is part of the professional support that the company provides.

What Additional Benefits Do You Receive?

  • Intensive consultation and guidance – After selecting the appropriate treatment recommended by the treating oncologist, Trial-In Pharma provides comprehensive support and guidance to secure the treatment.
  • Global coordination – Establish connections with principal investigators and research teams at leading cancer centers worldwide.
  • Pharmaceutical companies – Direct communication with global pharmaceutical companies.
  • Medical collaboration – Continuous contact with the treating oncologist for updates and guidance throughout the process.

and also we:

As an integral part of our professional service, we:

  • Maintain direct contact with the treating oncologist for updates and guidance throughout the entire process.
  • Provide assistance in filling out and transferring necessary forms to all relevant entities.
  • Perform meticulous follow-up to ensure proper treatment at every stage, from document receipt to transfer to the next destination.
  • Optimize timelines – Focused efforts to shorten the time from treatment selection to actual receipt.

All these aspects of support are an integral part of the company’s professional commitment, aimed at ensuring a smooth and efficient process for the patient.

Who is Our Service For?

Please Note! The service is not intended for patients with various types of blood cancer, hematological patients.

When Should You Contact Us?

  • Immediately after diagnosing a metastatic disease or brain tumor, before starting the first treatment.
  • With any deterioration in the metastatic disease or brain tumor condition.
  • When standard treatments do not provide the desired results.

At Trial-In Pharma, we believe that real hope lies in medical research and innovation.

Our mission is to make tomorrow’s treatments accessible to today’s patients, providing professional and human support throughout the journey.

Our Commitment:

  • Provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on all relevant treatment options.
  • Support the patient and their family through all stages of the process, from diagnosis to treatment acquisition.
  • Work in full cooperation with the treating medical team.
  • Strive tirelessly to secure the most appropriate treatment as quickly as possible.

Contact us today and let us lead you towards the most advanced treatment suitable for you.

Together, we will open doors to new treatment possibilities and bring real hope to the fight against advanced cancer.

Best regards,
The Trial-In Pharma Team

“A 30-year-old Cholangiocarcinoma Cancer Metastatic Patient received a combination of two innovative drugs after reaching out to our service. We are hopeful for positive results and significant improvement in her condition!”


A metastatic breast cancer patient underwent a groundbreaking surgery, significantly extending her life


In October 2020, Nitzan’s mother was diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer. Thanks to Trial-In Pharma’s support, she received 14 treatment options. Today, two years later, she is living well with chronic cancer.

To check if our service suits your case
We need to talk

Improve therapeutic outcomes, prolong life and quality of life, are our main business.
We support access to and expand cancer treatments beyond the standard of care, with the most advanced and innovative treatment options in the world, personally matching the individual cancer patient’s medical condition and with the support of top tier oncologists.

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