
Top developments in 2018 in treating breast cancer

The FDA has approved the drug Olaparib (Lynparza®)

For the treatment of stage 4 metastatic breast cancer patients, whose growth expresses mutations in the BRCA gene. The approval was given following the results of a study called OLYMPIAD, which showed a significant advantage over the standard treatment. There is no doubt that those patients who received the Olaparib during the study gained life, years before it was approved.

or further reading:

Results of the TAILORx study

This is the study that changed the face of women with breast cancer (!!!) at an early stage and received midpoint score on Oncotype DX: they do not need postoperative chemotherapy. The findings save thousands of women from the harmful effects of chemotherapy, and patients who participated in the study, received quality of life before the results were published.

For further reading:


A case study of metastatic breast cancer patient who developed resistance to any standard treatment, chemotherapy and hormonal treatment.

The 49-year-old patient is ER positive and HER2 negative. She joined the Phase II study in metastatic breast cancer patients. In the study, the researchers found 62 mutations in their cancer cells in the first stage and in the second stage, they detected cells from their immune system that detect and attack at least one mutant from the 62. The same cells that were isolated from the rest in laboratory conditions outside the woman’s body, multiplied and returned back to the patient, in billions.

She reached full remission and remained in remission at 22-month follow-up after treatment started!

Until this investigational treatment will be approved and available to the general population, it can take another 10 years and the same patient who joined the study today – has earned her life long before everyone else.

For further reading:


Personalized immunotherapy has resulted in complete remission of metastatic breast cancer, stage 4



Remember that you can do otherwise! It is possible to join trials and win life and quality of life far more than to accept the standard

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