
Breakthrough cancer drug for metastatic urothelial cancer patients

Two weeks ago, results from Phase I/II study in which patients with metastatic urothelial cancer – whose disease progressed after platinum-based standard chemotherapy and after immunotherapy – responded to treatment with a new drug that still has no commercial name: Sacituzumab Govitecan, IMMU-132 or SN38.

There are almost no treatments to offer to patients with metastatic urothelial cancer who have failed on Platinum-based chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Therefore, these results encourage and give new hope to these patients.

IMMU-132 is a a monoclonal antibody targeting Trop-2, an epithelial cell surface antigen overexpressed in urothelial cancer.

45 patients joined the study and received IMMU-132.

47% of patients responded: In 7 patients the disease was stopped, in 12 the metastases have shrunk and in 2 patients… yes, yes … the metastases disappeared and they reached full remission!

Following these amazing results, a follow-up Phase II study was launched in the US and will recruit 140 patients.

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