
GBM that disappeared from Monica’s MRI from 4.3.20

Monica (not her real name), a 43-year-old Cyprus resident, was diagnosed with GBM brain cancer, Glioblastoma, two years ago. One year ago Monica’s husband contacted us after she accepted and failed on the standard protocol which included surgery>radiation therapy> Temodar.
Our team found Monica a number of treatments suitable for her condition and gave a particularly strong recommendation to consider a vaccine directed to the tumor.
We connected Monica to the medical center in England where this treatment is done for Glioblastoma patients …
Read, share and pass on – this is the email her husband sent me last night along with the email they received from her oncologist’s office… the tumor is gone!

it’s important to remember!

  • Each GBM patient has a specific treatment that best suits his condition and one should not conclude that Monica’s treatment is appropriate for other cases.
  • The standard treatments for Glioblastoma are not curative and hence the need for innovative and effective treatment strategies to combat the disease.

The National Cancer Institute of the United States, NCI, emphasizes that the best treatment for a cancer patient is through the state-of-the-art advancement of cancer drugs, which are in advanced stages of development. There, hope and the prospect of prolonging life significantly outweigh the standard protocols.

Do not waste time and do not let anyone discourage you

Contact us so that we can also help you find and get the best medicine and treatment for your condition

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GBM gone
GBM complete remission


Read more about glioblastoma >>

Read more about DC-VAX vaccine >>

Read about another vaccine therapy >>

On brain MRI

MRI, Magnetic Resonance ImagingMagnetic Resonance Imaging.

Brain MRI scans give clear (and even 3D) images of all layers of the brain. MRI scans do not use potentially dangerous radiation, such as X-rays.

From the information obtained in the scan, various data can be created and even “sliced” into the brain which is sliced to ​​slices – which allows doctors to very sharply see the overall picture and focus on the details that interest them.

In some situations, scan accuracy can be improved by intravenous injection of a special contrast material containing gadolinium (a type of metal).

MRI scans allow the diagnosis of various diseases and conditions that damage the brain and monitor their development. Among other things, it can identify lesions in the brain, like a tumor that can be cancerous.

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Improve therapeutic outcomes, prolong life and quality of life, is our main business.
We support access to and expand cancer treatments beyond the standard of care, with the most advanced and innovative treatment options in the world, personally matching the individual cancer patient’s medical condition and with the support of top tier oncologists.

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